The little things


I’m an emotional mess.

I leave in 12 days. Time has flown by. The days pass very slowly here, but the weeks seems to pass so quickly. I’m sure that makes no sense.

A dear friend of mine asked me what is my favorite thing that I have done here.

I really couldn’t respond. I have no idea!

But it made me think of when people you love die, move away or just aren’t apart of your life anymore, you miss the little moments. You miss having coffee together, laughing together, and inside jokes.

So I would say the little things have been my favorite things.

I will miss the 12 little sweethearts that I love so much.

I will miss walking in the door and having 12 kids shout “welcome back Auntie!”

I will miss Esther’s sweet smile and voice as she tells me how she dreamed about angels and heaven.

I will miss pretending to kung-fu fight with Joshua.

I will miss Don talking to me in Luganda like I know what he is saying.

I will miss cuddling with Emma, my sweet sugar muffin.

I will miss how Oscar talks like an American.

I will miss having to tell Joel 5 times to give me a real hug before he puts both arms around me.

I will miss how Brenda seems to lose teeth like they are going out of style.

I will miss all of the random things that Carol says. She makes me laugh every day.

I will miss Cocus’ hugs, he always wants to be hugged.

I will miss Jerom’s dance moves.

I will miss how Fauziya laughs at everything, rather it is funny or not.

I will miss the way that Annet takes care of everything and loves to play mommy, just like I did when I was her age.


These kids have been such a blessing to me. They are not perfect, they all have their moments, but they are all so precious.

I know I’m leaving so soon—and I am excited to be back home—but it still hasn’t hit me that I am actually leaving. Even as I write this it just doesn’t feel real.

They all have a special place in my heart and I am so in love with each one of them.

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