Monthly Archives: June 2012

God is so good!


Praise the Lord! I am so blessed to have so many friends and family members who love me and support what I have been called to do! I have raised almost all of what I need for the trip! I am so incredibly fortunate to have received so many encouraging letters over the past few months. Thank you to all who continue to pray for me as I prepare to spend three months in Uganda.

In preparing for this trip, a friend of mine encouraged me to read the book “Kisses from Katie”. I finished it yesterday and I highly recommend it. The book was another reminder of how perfect God’s character is and how we can trust in Him through every situation.  He is everything! He is our provider, healer, righteous judge, comforter, defender, best friend and father. So many children all over the world do not know the love of a mother or father, they have never known what love is or what it looks like. But, God is love. He is love for those who have none. He is a father for the orphans. He is a protector for those in harm’s way. He is strength for those who are weak.

As God continues to remind me of His perfect character, I pray that I will be able to show His love to the children in Uganda. I pray that I can love them like God loves them.

“A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in His holy dwelling” Psalm 68:5