So blessed!


I leave in 2 days! I really can’t believe it! I’m on an emotional roller-coaster right now!

Auntie Jo left on Thursday and Auntie Laura left yesterday, leaving me the last muzungu at Rafiki Africa Ministries. One of the staff members said that now the other two are gone they can eat me (Oh, African humor).

I’ve had some time to reflect on the past three months, and I am so very blessed to have been able to be here. I wouldn’t trade this experience for anything.

I went to Watoto (our church) for the last time today and it was so bittersweet. At Watoto almost every Sunday the pastor asks people to join in groups of 3 and pray for one another. Today he asked us to just partner up with the person next to us and pray for each other. So Auntie Sara and I prayed together, and I cried the whole time! I really do feel like I have a little Ugandan family! Auntie Esther and Auntie Sara have become my “cousin sisters” and Mama Monica is like my Ugandan mommy! I am so blessed to have them as a part of my life.

I miss Jo and Laura! I am so glad that I met those girls and that we got to share this experience together. While I’m sure that we got on each other’s nerves at times, we never got into any real arguments or anything. And for such a random grouping of ages and personality types, I’d say that’s really awesome! They both made me realize a lot of things about myself and I am so grateful for their friendship.

I am so glad that I got to experience Uganda and see another part of the world. The differences and similarities between Uganda and the US have been very interesting to learn. I have become pretty comfortable living in Uganda, except for the mouse that lives up here with me (I discovered that he had been on the bed yesterday… not a fun realization). Although I wonder if I’m going to want to put on make up and do my hair when I come back, shocking I know.

I had to say goodbye to my favorite ministry that we work with on outreach days last Monday and that was hard. The street boys at A Perfect Injustice have captured my heart in so many ways. One in particular, Abbas, was especially difficult to say bye to. He was my little buddy!

My heart is breaking knowing that I’m leaving. My eyes have been opened to so many things since I’ve been here and my passion for adoption has only multiplied. I hope that the things I’ve learned here stick with me.

Please keep me in your prayers for my last few days here and for safe travels on my way home!

Photo on 2012-11-27 at 18.18 #3IMG_0766


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